Sunday, August 17, 2008

Going at a different pace

The last six months have been a struggle as my congestive heart failure was beginning to show itself present. Since 2001 I have had this CHF condition but I have, as the doctors stated, "been well compensated". Late in June I realized that the time had come to switch doctors and find out what more could be done. I selected a doctor and my wife called for an appointment. I think she was afraid that I would never get around to calling. The receptionist told her that it would be the next Tuesday before she could get me in, but if it was an emergency another doctor in the office could take me the next morning. I told my wife I could wait until next week. The next morning I woke up and decided the Emergency Room might be a good place to visit. The wife reminded me that I could get into to see a doctor that morning and I agreed to go.

By 11am I was walking out of the medical complex having had all kinds of blood tests, EKG, Xray and sonogram of my heart. Even had an appointment to see a cardiologist, first time since 2003. By the end of June I had seen the cardiologist and had a stress test and heard a recommendation for a Bi-ventricular Pacemaker.

August 7, 2008 I had the Bi-ventricular pacemaker and ICD implanted in a 24 hour hospital stay. It didn't come to soon! By Friday the 8th my wife had received notice that her aunt has passed away and the funeral would be Monday in Northwestern Illinois, then I got phone call that my oldest sister in Avon, Indiana was in the hospital and not doing well. The first test of the pacemaker was taking place and it had only been implanted about 20 hours. Sunday we spent the day driving up to Northwestern Illinois for a Monday funeral. While I probably shouldn't have been driving I drove the final half of the trip. The darn seat belt crossed the shoulder just above the incision and certainly made the trip a little less comfortable.

Monday morning as we were getting ready for the 10:30am funeral, I received another telephone message that my sis had passed away. This Friday and Saturday we had the visitation and funeral in Indiana and today I spent the time in church and resting.

God certainly has perfect timing! The pacemaker has been working fine, I have had the energy to make the three hour trips to two funerals and back. I really doubt that I would have been able to endure the stress and travel with out this new devise.

Thus I have entitled this posting "Going at at a different pace"

The pictures above are a few photo taken since my last posting. The hawk was a visitor this afternoon.