Monday, February 5, 2007

What does the Sun look like?

Above are three pictures of the Sun taken around noon. The top and bottom pictures were taken through the screen and window pane and the middle picture merely though the window pane. There is no art here, no great pictures, simply proof that the Sun does exist and is bright in spite of the extremely cold weather.

Super Bowl Sunday is over and the Bears lost, but the Sun still came out today so life will go on and we can look forward to the Chicago Cubs upcoming season. Expectations are high once again as new additions have been made to the team and most Cub fans already are thinking World Series. This ole Cub Fan still isn't convinced that the Cubs will be on top next fall. Maybe I a pessimistic, certainly I am cynical as I have often been told that, but I predict that the Cubs will not be in the World Series and if by chance I am wrong they too will end up second.

Last night another event happened that was verily reported. As the wife and I were casually watching the Superbowl we noticed a bright light traveling through space from the Northern sky to the Earth. The ball of fire was very bright with a yellow outer glow and we first thought the neighbors had sent a bottle rocket up into the air and it was heading downward, but there was no explosion or noise. We listened for sirens or anything as it appeared that whatever had fallen through the sky had surely landed somewhere in or just west of Bloomington. Later on the evening news my wife heard that others as far away as Oklahoma had seen this same sight and the answer appeared to be "space junk" entering the Earth's atmosphere.

I have seen shooting or falling stars many times before, but this was something else! The size and brilliant brightness were amazing and no other experience I have had equals what I saw last night.


MrsDoF said...

Oh, purty pikchers!

space junk, huh? Where's Agent Mulder when we want him?

Webs said...

Go CUBBIES!!! I think this year could be their year. Here's to wishful thinking...