Saturday, March 3, 2007

Finally the week end! More snow but only flurries

We are back to the cold and blowing snow again. Just a dusting, but still cold and still enough to cover the ground again. The birds were out in force today and we had a few first timers to our humble back yard.

Besides the doves, starlings, crows a plenty, squirrels, juncos and my favorite downys our new visitors were Fox Sparrows. I received an email from another birder stating that he too has spotted multiply Fox Sparrows in Normal. We had 3-5 Fox Sparrows moving about the yard and eating up a storm today.

Below are a few of the better pictures taken today.

I learned that by clicking on any picture on this blow you can enlarge the view. In most cases the view is too big for the screen but you can use the cursor to move the view left, right, up and down. Check out the second picture of my Downys. The female is on the left and the male is on the right, note the red patch on the top of the males head.

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