Thursday, March 29, 2007

You would think it was the middle of Summer

While it is always fun to see a new bird arrive in the back yard those times seem to be few and far between. In the mean time the squirrels are always entertaining. We have a bungee cord that has two screws which we can attach ears of corn. Depending on how we attach the cord to the fence we can control the height of the corn from the ground. It is amazing what the squirrels will do to get to the corn! I saw one of them leap up and grab hold of the corn and franticly bite a grain off the cob before dropping to the ground to finish eating the corn.

We have one squirrel that defies all means of protecting the bird feeders from squirrels. We have yet to find a method of detouring this squirrel, but we will keep working on the idea. Then when we get used to all of the chasing and leaping and activity we are entertained by the couch potato squirrel.

This is one of the Fox Sparrows that have been gleaning food from our yard the last few weeks.

1 comment:

george.w said...

LOL! One ree-laxed squirrel. I felt like doing the same thing that day.