Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks Giving Day

There has been a lot of activity since my last posting. The road trip to Georgia in my wife's red van took us twelve hours each way, but the sights were beautiful down and back. Then catching up on missed work and seeing the dentist and doctor and training of Office 2007 doesn't leave much time for anything else.

The Normal Back Yard has quite busy this morning. I was able to get out and fill the feeders during a quiet time, lifted the ice off the bird bath leaving fresh cold water and even putting up a few ears of corn for the squirrels. After I cleared out of the way the birds and squirrel descended upon the meal place before them. Today we had plenty of sparrows, both White Breasted and Red Breasted Nuthatches, Male and Female Downey Wood Peckers, a lonely Flicker, Doves, four to five squirrels, a Blue Jay and a few Cardinals.

I have been told that a hawk has been frequenting the backyard off and on for the past couple of weeks. The wife has seen it but been unable to capture a picture. The birds certainly scatter when the hawk is present.

The inside of the house is smelling of baked chicken and ham with baked beans and dressing. It was hard to eat just a bowl of Heart Smart cereal this morning with all of these smells penetrating the homestead.

Here are a few pictures taken since we returned, some even this morning.

One of the many Nuthatches hanging around.

Here are a couple pictures of the Northern Flicker that has been visiting.

One of several Red Breasted Nuthatches

At the feeder is a Gold Finch and a White Breasted Nuthatch

What a boring yard with out the squirrels performing tricks to get the corn.

Here is a Male Downey Wood Pecker on one side and a Red Breasted Nuthatch on the other side of the nut feeder.

The Male Downey Wood Pecker love the nuts

And once again the Red Breasted Nuthatch hanging out.

1 comment:

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Here by way of Mrs. DoF.

Lovely pictures, and all your birds are familiar to me, although some aren't frequent visitors to my yard here in Northeast Arkansas.
