Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday December 23, Snow gone but a visitor comes.

Sunday afternoon and the Bears and Packer are playing on TV. The Pack is getting beaten bad by the Bears and everyone is amazed. I decided to fill the feeders with bird feed and nuts. It is very cold and windy. Once inside I decided to check out the other scores on the computer and occasionly glansing to see if any new birds were visiting. Suddenly a rap on the window and I turned to see what bird had decided to visit the glass window and noticed a large bird fly up toward the house and land in our Sumac tree/bush. One other Chistmas day we had a Hawk visit and sure enough we have another one, this one a little more brazen as it was close to the house.

The first picture shows it with its back turned and you are able to see the tail. I am guessing it is a a Sharp Shinned Hawk as opposed to the Cooper Hawk. It does appear to be immature. I was able to snap off a few more pictures which were zoomed in more and the hawk obliged by turning around to face me. Look down to the lower right corner close to the house.

1 comment:

george.w said...

Cool hawk pictures!!!

And have a wonderful Christmas and New Years too. :-)