Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Happy New Year!

As you can see I don't always post every day. Some days I am just to busy and others just to lazy or maybe don't have anything to say. I have tried not to be controversial on this Blog, although there are days I would love to "git up on my soapbox".

Today I decided that maybe I should pick out a few more pictures from the history files. I hope you enjoy them.

"Three Resting" is the title of a picture my youngest son Peter took in California during the 2003 fires near Santa Clarita. After fighting the forest fires for many days there comes a time in which rest is all you can do.

Same fire and firemen this entitled "Tired"

"Smoke on a Clear Day" depicts the same series of fires that kept these firemen busy for days. Here you can see the smoke from the fire in the hills overlooking the valley.

Finally a reminder of Summer. Outside our back door at work we have a blooming flower that I snapped just to demonstrate the new camera.

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