Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Winter has finally arrived? Kind of looks like it.

Well the temperature has finally gone below freezing and we have a dusting of snow on the ground. In spite of the appearances of "The Hawk" the birds are once again finding the feed in our back yard. This morning I spotted a Black Capped Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Downey Woodpecker, Blue Jay, several Mourning Doves, many House Sparrows and of course the pesky squirrels enjoying the corn. Absent are the Darked Eyed Juncos and the Northern Cardinals which frequent the feeder. I haven't seen our friendly Gold Finch for a few days either. Hope their absences are merely to avoid the hawk and not that they have given their all for the benefit of the hawk.

Our neighborhood wren was hungry today and the feeder met it's needs this morning.

I wonder if this guy is saying "What happened to the warm weather? Brrr its cold!!"

Even a Starling found the Safflower Seeds this morning.

1 comment:

MrsDoF said...

Coming here is so restful, looking at the pictures.
Poor li'l squirrel. It sure is cold outside.