Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

I haven't posted for several days because of the heavy pre holiday activities at work and around the house. I did buy a few gifts this year, wasn't going to but I made a noon hour trip the day my wife told me not to show up for lunch as the girls were coming for brunch that day.

Yesterday my son Andrew came over to help move a new futon down to the basement so that the youngest son will have a place to sleep if he makes it home Christmas Day. He starts out at 6:41am in sunny Southern California flys to San Fransico, home of the reocurring earthquakes, on to O'hara and then to the Central Illinois Regional Airport. We decided that if the futon leaves the basement neither of us were going to carry it out in one piece! Going down the stairs it could slide it will not slide up the steps.

Below are a few pictures from Saturday. It appears the hawk may have left the area as the song birds are slowly returning. Yesterday I spotted a Nuthatch, couple of Northern Cardinals, plent of Doves, a Carolina Wren and even a Gold Finch. Today these were all back and even our Red Belly Wood Pecker has made it presence known. Maybe filing the bird feeder and putting suet plugs out have encouraged the birds back, but the hawk certainly kept many of the song birds away.

I drove up to Flanigan Illinois yesterday afternoon, listened to Christmas Music, until I had my fill while driving, I had seen reports of the spotting of a Snowy Owl, but failed to spot the creature. I did see a couple of beatiful hawks, but none would stay put long enough for me to take their picture. The fields were very wet with water standing in all of the low places and at least one river was flooded in various places.

Pictures below are of the NutHatch, Carolina Wren and a few ducks on a pond near Lake Bloomington.

1 comment:

MrsDoF said...

Yeah, I said not so many gifts this year as well. A few handmade ones, those don't count out of the budget.

I looked and looked at the middle picture until I could finally see the bird. Talk about camoflage...
Thanks for your lovely photos and nice explanations. You have a good eye for local Nature.

Merry Christmas!