Sunday, December 31, 2006

Nearing the End

Saturday, as we near the end of 2006 the back yard was relatively quite. Only the squirrels were busy and one in particular may have had its clock twisted by the warm weather, or maybe it knows something about the cold and snow which will be coming in 2007. Anyway this particular squirrel spent the afternoon climbing up and down the tree finding just the right size branches to reinforce the its nest. I was able to get several pictures and hopefully you will be able to see him/her in action either gnawing on the limbs (twigs) or carrying them back to the nest.

The other squirrels were feeding at the base of the bird feeder or doing acrobats to get the corn off of the corn wind mill. Occasionally they would drop over to the bird bath for a drink, but none of them were concerned about rebuilding the nest. My wife would say that it was a female doing the work while the males fed them selfs. I don't know how to tell a female squirrel from a male squirrel from this distance and don't think I want to get close enough to tell anyway.

Hope everyone enjoys the pictures.

Industrious Squirrel Must be the female!

This must be a male waiting to be served at the table.

1 comment:

Dan said...

That little squirrel didn't rest the next day as she was busy going up and down the tree carrying leaves to decorate the nest.
