Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This is more like Winter1

The weather today is more like what it should be. There is a nip in the air and your hands freeze just from being outside. Today I refilled the bird feeder as it was completely empty and screwed on four more ears of corn for the squirrels. Yesterday I noticed that we had four gold finches instead of the usual one. Maybe the birds will be returning after the hawk scare. Our Downy woodpecker has had another one join her as they go up and down the trees and occasionally stop at the suet feeder.

Above is one of our Blue Jays sitting in a tree. Not very creative, but another picture to view.

I see that the Snowy Owl is still putting on appearances near Flanagan and a Peregrine Hawk has supposed been sighted near ISU, maybe this hawk will venture over to my back yard for a sight.

As much as I hate the snow, the snow does seem to attract friends to my back yard and then I can have fun taking pictures! I guess that is what getting old is all about. Spending you day looking out the back window to be able to take a pictures of birds.

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