Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wow, it was cold this morning! It was my quest to have blood drawn to appease the doctor and faithfully I got out in the very cold to drive to the lab. I think the car started to warm as I pulled into the parking lot of the lab. Once in side the nurse searched and searched first the left arm and then the right arm and all of my veins had gone deeper to get away from the cold. Finally the nurse asked if drawing from my hand would be acceptable. I have to say this was not the most pleasant draw, but it did beat getting stuck multiply times trying to find a good vein.

Enough yucky talk, night time once again and it is snowing. Watching the snow fall is a pleasurable experience but it is difficult to watch and enjoy at night. My wife wonders why not during the daytime so that she can sit and watch. The dog certainly has been enjoying the snow. She wants to go out multiple times each night to roll on the ground, chase smells around the yard looking for creatures of the dark. At night we often have critters like possums, raccoons and stray cats that find their way into the yard. She must smell them as often she goes crazy wanting to get outside to chase our critters.

Our cat is called Spook and the name certainly fits her. She always wants to go out but changes her mind frequently. Really annoying to go to the door to only haver her sniff the cold air and retreat a few steps from the open door, then minutes later she starts her meowing all over only to retreat once again. She was just at the door and I ignored her and now she is distracted playing with a toy, she will return. I like to think I am trying to out smart her, but not sure I really am.

One of our Dark Eyed Juncos chowing down on the thistle seed.

Can you hear this squirrel saying "Burr its cold out here!"

For a Downy Woodpecker eating upside down is really no challenge.

Now for a squirrel, this is a feat! How long do you think he can last?

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