Friday, February 23, 2007

Could it be the Foxs are back?

Even with all of the snow still piled heavily around the yard the dog has been running all over the yard and particularly from front to back of the garage. Clearly an animal of some sorts has begin to inhabit the cave under the concrete garage floor. We will have to keep an eye out to find what creature we have now? It would be neat to have the foxes back for another litter. They didn't bother anything and are beautiful creatures to watch. Look out rodents!

Squirrels were out playing this morning, had to have the dog chase the frisky one off of the bird feeder, the others just don't have the wits to navigate the milk jugs and pole to get to the bird feeder. Several of the birds have returned which gives hope for Spring time bird watching to be more exciting.

If we get the rain storm predicted tonight we could have Lake Normal in our backyard. What with the amount of snow still present and rain on top of that the water will have no place to go for a period of time. Maybe we will even see ducks in the back yard. It wouldn't be the first time. Last year we had two mallard that found the corn in the yard and returned for a couple of days. I think the dog and cat scared them off, or maybe the foxes found them out.

No this not one of my pictures! This would be scary having a lion out back. Think it was from an advertisement for hair care product.

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