Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Now this is a Wintery Blast!

The wind is blowing the snow is falling and I am safely at home, what do I care if it snows out today, I've got my heated indoors! Well did alter the song a little, but tis true. I got my snow blower ready yesterday so assumed it would not snow, boy was I wrong.

Squirrels were all out this morning attacking the corn including the ears on the bungee cord. Wife wondered if we were being cruel to the as they had to jump to get to the corn, but it was still fund to watch and they did get fed.

Plenty of bird action today. The Snow Birds have been out and about at all of the feeders. Our Downey woodpeckers took notice and served notice to the Snow Birds that the suet was theirs. The other feeders have been pretty peaceful as the variety of birds have been sharing time.

Today we have had 6-7 Snow Birds, a male and female Northern Cardinal, two Downey Woodpeckers, a White Breasted Nuthatch, couple of starlings, one crow, with about 50 more in the neighborhood, a couple of sparrows and a few Morning Doves.

The pics above are from this morning.

1 comment:

MrsDoF said...

Sweet critters. You are so kind to help them get through the weather!