Sunday, September 9, 2007

Getting toward the end of summer

Lazy summer afternoon, but plenty of activity in the ole back yard. While I didn't get a picture I had nearly fifty birds at the feeders at one time. Of course, that includes the ground feeders underneath the feeders. Yesterday and today I caught fleeting glances of an American Red Start but unable to get a picture. Below are a few of the many pictures taken.

I think this bird sitting on the fence is saying "I think it time to sit over here out of the way of that nasty Blue Jay."

The old water bucket has collected a few leafs from last fall, but the Wren doesn't mind.

One more pictures of one of the Hummingbirds

This squirrel was hamming it up, think it was saying "Take my picture, I am cute!"

Just a sample of many at the feeder, but at times this group would be considered small.

This squirrel found a good sunny place to rest and watch all of the activity.

The young Cardinals are out, look at their colors. Look a little sickly, but they are just immature and will one day be beautiful like mom and dad.

Could this be the "Lonesome Dove"

As I go out front to the corn flowers this finch nestles among the plants looking for the delicious seeds.

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