Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday and plenty of activity

Today was a active day in the Normal Back Yard! The wife turned on the lawn sprinkler and plenty of birds came out to enjoy the water as it drifted through the air. Even the Humming Bird was seen darting back and forth to absorb a few drops of the refreshing water. One problem with the sprinkler running is that my camera had a difficult time focusing. I think the many drops of water confused the focusing so that most of the pictures turned out pretty out of focus.

Todays visitors included a new species, at least new to me, sitting on the cloths line was a Alder Flycatcher. Of the two pictures only one was recognizable, and it was not worth posting. Included in my count today was the Gray Cat Bird, Red Breasted Nuthatch, a Wood Thrush, 4 robins, 2 starlings, 6 Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, a couple of Purple Finches, several house finches, and of course the Humming Bird.

About 5pm we took Ninja, our dog for a ride in the county. Ninja loves to go for rides and since we don't expect her to be around too much longer we have been doing what our Vet suggested, spoiling her. We drove out north and east of Carlock enjoy the beginning of fall colors and much harvesting that was happening.

Since I always like to take my camera we ended up at Lake Evergreen and found three herons enjoying the south end of the lake. Since I left the camera in the car, pictures will have to wait. The deers appeared to be gone from all of the usual southern and western spots, but as we headed over the spillway toward Interstate 39 we found several groups of deer, probably 25-40 in total. Since I wasn't expecting to see these deer in these locations I didn't get any pictures.

Well as I get older my memory lapses and tonight another lapse. I forgot the Downy Wood Pecker, they are so commonly seen that I skipped them in my bird list above and of course the many sparrows that often cover the bird feeders.

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