Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Look out world we have a wedding coming in May!

Our youngest son left for California and school several years ago and he left behind his sweetheart. After three years of long distance romance the two are to be united in marriage in May.
Jane and I have been privileged to have Jessica live with us for the past two years. Having three boys we have been involved in a couple of weddings, but never had the privilege of being involved in the day to day planning activities that parents of the bride get to enjoy. Things like sending out invitations, planning the meals, decorations and watching the glow in her face as she brings home the gifts after friends and family hold wedding showers for her.

Here are a couple of pictures of Jess holding gifts from her last wedding shower.

The pictures below are of a Long-Eared or a Great Horned Owl roosting in Normal. It was a cold late afternoon and the wind and chilling rain made it miserable, but these are really two of the pictures I got of the owl. A couple birders said it was a Great Horned Owl so I guess they are right. I couldn't see it well enough to distinguish. Wish I could have gotten closer as I was about 90 yards away from the owl. Maybe another day I can get closer should the owl and its mate stay a few more days.

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