Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tax Season is DONE!

Tax season is over and now it is onto Spring! Was it cruel fate or destiny that I chose accounting as a occupation? I had little to do with choosing my birthday of April 15, but the choice of occupation does fall upon my shoulders. I no longer do a lot of tax returns as in years past, but the few I do seem to end up being completed around the deadline.

This year everything was out the door by the 16th and Monday night was my time to unwind. After supper, that's what Mom always called it, the wife and I headed out to Moraine View State Park. The sun was already beginning to set as we arrived and the posted sign said that the gates would be shut around dusk and dusk was certainly approaching. It had been years since we had visited this place and back then it went by the name of Dawson's Lake, no fancy Moraine View State Park title then. My California son called about the time we entered into the park. He got a good laugh out of his old mom and dad going birding.

As we drove over the dam I spotted what appears to be a Barred Owl in the trees. He was pretty close to the road but by the time I got the camera ready he had flown a little more into the woods. I did get a couple of pictures as you can see below. Then we found a lone duck swimming on the lake. Across the lake we could see one of the multiple "Wind Mills" from the wind farm throughout the area. Off to a corner of the cove was what looks to be a Heron or Crane, not good at identifying so you can choose.

Here is Lake Dawson with the "Wind Mill" in the background.

Our lone duck on the Lake Dawson.

A couple of pictures of the Owl, maybe you can identify which kind.

Lurking in the corner is "Big Bird" or is it a Heron or Crane?

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