Saturday, November 25, 2006

Southern Comfort

Weather is great, shirtsleeve during the day with a nip at night. No not the Southern Comfort you might be thinking of but the real down home South. I have been impressed by the people I meet in the stores. Granted my shopping has been very limited since this is the shopping rush season, but I went to Best Buy with my son and the sales assistant was more helpful than those I have had in the past. Later I went to a Publix Grocery store and the bakery guy made a point to greet me as I rushed by him. This type of warm welcome started in Tennessee and more often than not has been the rule rather than the exception since we landed here in the South.

Not saying that we have not met a few jerks along the way, but only a few as compared to home.

No really new bird sighting, but have seen a Carolina Wren up close an personal as well as the Blacked Caped Chickadee and the White Crowned sparrow. The rest of the birds appear to be in hiding, but their melodious voices make for nice early morning arising and quiet sunsets.

The Georgia Peach has been a delight and we are trying to spoil her alot so that when we leave she will miss us.

Decided to leave on Monday and miss the mad dash home of after Thanksgiving traffic. Just the old folks should be on the road, but then most people my age are retired, so I guess that includes me and the wife.

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